B N Muddu , Orthopaedic Surgeon and the founder of Indian Orthopaedic Society U.K and has won kannada rajyashova award for his contribution towards sociaty
B N Muddu basically belongs to Gauribidanur Taluk,Karnataka
Indian Orthopaedic Society U.K was founded by Mr B N Muddu, Consultant Orthopaedic Surgeon, Tameside General Hospital. Mr B B Peravali, Associate Specialist at Tameside General Hospital helped Mr Muddu to get this association off the ground. Mr Muddu was the first President of the IOS U.K and Mr Peravali was the first Secretary of this organisation.
Mr Muddu wrote to Mr Colton, President of British Orthopaedic Association in 1994 floating this idea and seeking his advice to go ahead with the same. Mr Colton has been extremely supportive and in his letter of 14th October 1994, he advised us to do so and keep the BOA informed of how things were shaping up. In the initial stages it was not easy to get doctors of Indian origin to join up but gradually due to the persistent efforts of a core group of founder members, there has been steady increase in the membership.